HUGE multi family yard sale

1112 Hillside Ave, 1112 HILLSIDE AVE near Marlborough

HUGE multi-family yard sale in Plainfield, NJ on Saturday, July 30 from 9am-3 pm. Selling tons of items including Halloween costumes and decorations, 40” Sony KDL40SL150 TV, electronics, tools, furniture, rugs, kitchen goods and serve ware, toys, pellet guns and pellets, Legos, PEZ dispensers, video games, men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, including mens suits and vintage clothing, shoes, record albums, comic books, toiletries and cosmetics , craft supplies, art supplies, needlework supplies, creative memories scrapbooking materials, rubber stamps, paper punches, games, DVDs, bedsheets and blankets, towels, luggage, office/school supplies, stationery, cards, Disney collectibles, Broadway memorabilia, nursing textbooks and reference guides, books, photo frames, Vera Bradley purses, and so much more! Everything priced low to sell! 1112 Hillside Ave, Plainfield

start time: 9:00 am

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