Category: beliefs

  • Numerology Magic Square Talismans as Money Charms

    Magic Squares make a potent talisman or charm for enhancing certain talents and abilities of their bearer. Numerology provides us with a powerful way to construct a personal money charm just for you. Let’s see how this can be done. Date of Birth as a Sigil In numerology and astrology, your Date of birth is…

  • Your Age is Also Your Current Energy – Chaldean Numerology Reveals Your Phase

    If you have read any of my past articles on Chaldean numerology, you already know that individual energies and meanings are connected to the symbols that we see as numbers and letters. Chaldean numerology allows you to peek into your ‘self’ from an unusual vantage point and to ‘see’ the specific vibrations that reside in…

  • Numerology and Jobs – Finding the Career That Matches Your Life Path

    Do you like your Job? Are you doing something you love and getting paid for it, or are you just struggling to get to the weekend? Most Americans change jobs over five times during their lifetime. If you don’t feel good about what your doing, perhaps you’d like to learn which kinds of jobs Numerology…

  • Health and Numerology – Problems to Guard Against for Your Life Path

    Your health is your most precious commodity. If you new you had a predisposition to certain health problems, wouldn’t you take steps to guard your good health? Numerology can predict certain health problems that you may encounter. People with a particular Life Path tend to have tendencies for certain kinds of health problems. By calculating…

  • Numerology & Master Numbers – Why They Often Symbolize More Challenge Than Reward

    Master numbers include double digit numbers 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. They are called Master Numbers because there is inherent masterful, or extraordinary promise symbolized by them. This energy is far from mundane and instead largely other- dimensional. Therein resides the catch: These numbers represent energy that is not of…

  • Numerology’s Temperament Chart And Emotional Number, How You Handle Problems Involving Feelings

    Each of us reacts to situations differently, depending on his own temperament. Numerology can analyze your name and predict how you will respond to problems based on four basic categories: Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Intuitive. And to see how you react to problems involving your feelings, we need to calculate your Emotional number. Your Emotional…

  • What Is Tamil Numerology?

    Tamil numerology, like other numerology systems (Chaldean, Pythagorean, etc.) was invented as a means by which to divine a person’s future, discover personality attributes, analyze the vibrational qualities of baby names, read the harmonic patterns of planets and their relationships with each other (astrology), thereby trying to make sense of the fabric of “reality” that…

  • Numerology of a Sex Symbol: Marilyn Monroe

    [This article is neither intended to extol nor defame Marilyn Monroe. Its purpose is simply to reveal the relationship between some aspects of her life and her numbers in furthering the understanding of numerology as a science.] In a world of notoriety, some people become famous, some rise to super-stardom, others transcend their celebrity to…

  • Quantum Physics and Numerology

    Numerology and Quantum Physics Happy New Year 2010 =-3 = Creativity The year 2010 according to the Pythagorean Numerology is 3. This means that everyone on the planet, will be receiving the energies of the 3, creativity. The New Age of Aquarius has given us the new paradigm of Quantum Physics. This paradigm tells us…

  • Spiritual Numerology Life Path Period – Master Number 22 – A Rare Find

    In numerology, a tradition bound by spiritual evidence-the relationship between numbers and living things, all of us have three cycles, or Life Path Periods in our lifetime. To determine a person’s three Life Path Periods, one simply needs a person’s date of birth. Furthermore, if someone’s 3rd Life Path Period is 22, they are in…