Splitting of the Sea – The Greatest Revelation

#Torah #Bible #Beshalach

Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum of Hebron talks about the Torah parsha of Beshalach which describes the splitting of the Red Sea. On dry land, everything is revealed, but under the ocean, there is a whole world equally as full of life. What hidden beauty do we have in our lives waiting to be revealed?

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Shalom my friends, this is Simcha Hochbaum of Hebron. This Shabbat the Jewish nation is privileged to witness the greatest revelation ever in history. The revelation of seeing the Third Temple, the revelation of seeing the great day when God’s kingdom is established in the entire universe and the whole world acknowledges God.
This is the revelation that took place at the splitting of the sea — Kriat Yam Suf.
This Shabbat the Baal HaTanya writes that there’s something phenomenal about the ocean. Everything that exists on dry land also exists within the ocean.
Anything that we have on dry land whether it’s streets, communities, traveling routes, schools, family clans, also exist down below in the ocean.
There’s a whole hidden world down below in the ocean that the naked eye can’t see. On dry land, everything is visible. On the other hand, in the ocean, all that exists is hidden.
So too with every human being there is also an aspect of us that represents dry land. So there is a part of us that is based upon our good deeds, our actions, what we did right, what we did wrong and that’s how we judge a person based on his external actions.
But then there’s a part of every individual that represents the world of the ocean, that hidden world.
There’s a part of holiness that’s intrinsic inside of each and every one of us that’s always there, but yet it’s covered up.
This Shabbat, when the water split, everything that was in that ocean got revealed. Everything within the Jew, everything within that nation who were slaves on the 49th level of impurity all of the sudden rose up to the highest level of the greatest, greatest revelation, the greatest prophecy, the greatest song of the future.
Let’s hope this is Shabbat we should all cross our Red Seas. We should all be able to reveal our hidden inner potential.
Shlomo Carlebach would say sometimes we have miracles in which God shows us how great He is.
Then there are miracles that show us how great the Jewish nation is.
We should be privileged to cross over all the obstacles, the hardships, and sing that great song of redemption.
Shabbat Shalom.


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