“Do you keep the Sabbath?” somebody asked me. I said: “Yes. I keep Yeshua. He is my Sabbath.” “Do you keep the Feast?” I said: “Yes. I eat Yeshua. He is my feast.”
Why was it said so many times in the scriptures that Jesus did this and that ON THE SABBATH? Why is that? Because He was trying to break protocol, mindsets. Was Yeshua breaking the law, the rules? No. He was fulfilling it. What is higher? Love or law? In loving, you will fulfill the law!
Why are people so concerned about keeping what Jesus fulfilled? Because the religious spirit made them legalistic. Jesus is Lord even on the Sabbath! In the New Testament, the Sabbath was mentioned 55 times but never, EVER, was it said to keep it! Legalism will stop the kingdom of God from advancing. Jesus made a conscious effort to follow His Father, even on the Sabbath. Will you follow the Holy Spirit even on Sabbath or will you follow doctrines of man?
Enter into HIM. Enter into His rest. We that believe in Him shall enter into His rest. He is the source. If don’t experience it, repent, and get back into His rest. How about resting all of the days of your life because of what He did? There is A REST, not a day of rest for the people of God. If you rest from your own works, you will enter into His rest! The kingdom of God is not by observation. It is within you! God will use those who see to expose and help those who are blind.
Ordinances of man have its eyes on keeping a day, when the revealing of the Word of God shows us that that day (Sabbath) is actually a person (Jesus)! There are consequences to not keeping Yeshua in our lives, because He is our Sabbath! He said, “Come to Me” all who are heavy laden (yoke of legalism). He said, “I have rest” because He is the rest! He said, “I have peace” because He is shalom! You put a burden on them that you can’t even fulfill! Nobody can! That is why Jesus broke the yoke of the law! Because NOBODY can fulfill it! That is why He gave us the power to become sons of God!
Do you want to keep the LAW? Love: FIRST, YOUR GOD will all your heart, soul and mind! OBEY THE FIRST COMMANDMENT. Love: SECOND, YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF! DOING THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS YOU WILL FULFILL ALL THE LAW! Then be led by Yeshua, by the Holy Spirit, as a son – in righteousness and Truth. How do you love Him? By obeying Him.
Who is hindering you? Don’t let ANYBODY hinder you anymore with even a little leaven. If you are led by the Spirit, you will never be under the law! When you are in HIM, you always will fulfill the law. Walking in the Spirit is walking in Christ, in love, in peace, in obedience, in freedom!
Ordinances against me and you were nailed onto the cross! Let no man judge you about any of that! “Why don’t you keep the feast?” Jesus is my feast! He is the bread of life. He is the lamb of God. Drink His blood. Eat Him. Keep Him every day!
Keep it simple. Keep Him. Come out from among them who try to entangle you. I feed myself with Him every day! Eat the lamb! Eat all of Him! All I want to know is the power of His resurrection! All I really want to know! The cross to them that are perishing is foolish but to us who believe it is the power of God. Not doctrines of man! If anyone tries to keep me in any doctrine of man, it is a doctrine of the Devil! In Him, we have peace. In Him, you will keep your Sabbath! In Him, Yeshua is scripture fulfilled. When you get the Spirit of revelation, you get Him, not just the letter. We will fulfill our Sabbath everyday of our lives! The kingdom of God is in me and in all of those who are hungry and thirsty!
“Come to Me” and I will give you rest because I am SHALOM! I don’t give you one day! I AM THAT DAY! I AM YOUR PEACE! I AM YOUR REST! I am the kingdom of God. Anyone in Me is a new creation. Abide in the vine and you are abiding in the Sabbath. I am the Seven (completion). Come and know rest!
He said: I AM YOUR REST. I AM YOUR PEACE. Break off legalism and deception! Let the power of God make you sons and daughters 24/7. Make this year the most fruitful year of your life. Let Him receive the reward of His suffering: YOU! He prepared for you many rooms. Enter in Him and find rest and peace! Shabbat shalom, everybody!
Word: Matthew 12:1-16, 2 Corinthians 16: 1 Mark 2:21-28, Acts 13:3, Mark 11, Hebrews 4, Matthew 22, Romans 14, Galatians 3, Galatians 5, Colossians 2
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