Hadassah Dillman – Shabbat Shalom from the Album Mitzvah

Shabbat Shalom from the Album Mitzvah by Hadassah Dillman

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Twitter – https://Twitter.com/HadassahDillman

Vocals & Lyrics – Hadassah Silva aka Hadassah Dillman

Shabbat Shalom x4
Shabbat, Shabbat, Shabbat, Shabbat Shalom

G-d created everything single thing in 6 days and on the every last day He decided to rest.
Blessed His chosen with the 7th day called Shabbat.
He set that day apart, made it holy, kodesh.
The 7th day is one of the Sabbaths of our G-d, so we remember to always keep that day holy.
No working for us, or our households, daughters or sons.
It’s an eternal sign between G-d and us only.
Just so we know that He’s the G-d who sanctifies.
Blessing us He gave us a sign for all our generations.
We’re the ones special to Him above all people.
Making us a kingdom of priests and holy nation.
We keep from doing our desires on His holy day.
We don’t call His Sabbath a burden, but we call it a delight and He feeds us with the heritage of Jacob, on the hills of the earth we ride on the heights.

Shabbat Shalom x4
Shabbat, Shabbat, Shabbat, Shabbat Shalom

In G-d’s eyes it’s evil to profane His Sabbath day.
The Sabbath Day is a holy convocation.
Says so in Leviticus 23 verse 3.
If don’t keep the Sabbath we’re like the other nations.
It’s not very hard for us chosen to follow.
We don’t believe other religions claiming G-d’s Sabbaths changed.
See we only serve the true G-d of the Bible.
The god they serve and the only true G-d are not the same.
G-d commands us for 6 days to do all our work, but the 7th day is the Sabbath of the L-rd our G-d.
No cooking, buying, selling or traveling very far.
We obey our Father G-d, Redeemer our only Rock.
Evenings from Friday to Saturday is our rest and on that day all His chosen are in one accord.
Teaching our kids at home and while out night and day.
You see as for me and my house we will serve the L-rd.

Shabbat Shalom x4
Shabbat, Shabbat, Shabbat, Shabbat Shalom

#shabbatshalom #song #Sabbath


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