Viscount Dr near Monroe St
Heritage Sound Condos, 85 Viscount Drive, Milford, CT (Walnut Beach) is having its multi-unit tag sale event on SATURDAY, May 14th from 9 – 2. Plenty of on and off street parking. Everything that you can imagine is at this sale. Antiques, collectibles, outdoor gas heater, books, indoor and outdoor furniture, gold and silver jewelry, old and new tools, misc. carpentry and woodworking items, fishing gear, Transit, Artwork, Lots of Metal Pieces, China, Teacups and Saucers, Sports Equipment, Bike Rack, Child’s Rocking Chair, Fire, Police, Military items, Designer Clothing, Shoes, Coats, Boots, Decorative Items, Rugs, Curtains, nautical theme everything, electronics, clothing, old toys, brand name jewelry and pocketbooks, Albums; CD’s, Clocks, along with everything that you would need to stock or update your home! Unit owners will be out selling their wares all over the complex, just follow the signs. Please don’t park on the grass. (Rain date Sunday, May 15th)
start time: 9:00 – 2:00