What's in Your Hand? | Bill Cloud | Jacob's Tent
Shemot Exodus 1:1 – 6:1 What’s In Your Hand? Join us for our Shabbat service with Bill Cloud and the Jacobs Tent family! If you are enjoying this live stream, PLEASE consider sending in an offering, tithe, or donation to help us continue spread the gospel free from Jacob’s Tent. We work hard to make…
New Moon & Shabbat Convocation 1.20.23 (Genesis 1:26 "Let us" explained)
Shabbat Shalom! Welcome to the New Covenant Congregation of Israel. source
Shalom Aleichem Kabbalat Shabbat for Vaera
Join us for the melodies of the Shabbat together with us and D’var Torah! To find out about us go to www.ahavatammi.org or www.shuvu.tv . To Check out Rabbi Shapira new book go to www.rivkahremnant.com or www.goodnewscovid19.net The spanish version of the book: https://buenasnuevascovid19.com To support Ahavat Ammi: www.fundly.com/Ahavatammiministries To support Operation Africa: www.fundly.com/operation-africa-9 To…
Shabbat & Shalom Bayit – Rabbi Becca Weintraub
Rabbi Rebecca Weintraub teaches us that Shabbat is the origin of peace in the home allowing us to radiate peace into the world. source
Shabbat Shalom
Shabbat Shalom Shabbat Service 1/21/23
Join us for our Shabbat Service with worship and dance. If you are enjoying this live stream, and are lead to send an offering, tithe, or donation to help us continue spread the gospel free from The Tabernacle/HaMishkan of Meridian. We work hard to make sure this is an enjoyable experience to our online community,…
SHABBAT SHALOM – 04/11/2022
¡Hoy es Shabbat! ¡y hay descanso para ti! Comparte este Link con tus Discípulos, Celebremos en Familia este Shabbat y renovemos nuestra alianza con el Eterno. ¿Tienes algún pedido de Oración? haz click en el Siguiente enlace y rellena el formulario https://pieb.live/Pedidos_De_Oración ———————————————————- Puedes entregar tus ofrendas en las siguientes cuentas: Primera Iglesia Evangélica Bautista…
Shabbat Shalom BeShalach
An orthodox Jewish commentary on BeShalach by Sondra Oster Baras. For more information visit www.cfoic.com. source
Enter The Sabbath: Shabbat Shalom! (friday sunset)
Shabbat Shalom from Yerushalaim
A short Shabbat message from Jerusalem source